
What is success means to you?
Professor asked the students this question and waiting for the replies. Some were very quick to raise their hands and some were begun to think what to say. Professor pick one of the students who raised their hands and asked him what is success means to him.
Having a huge mansion and a luxury car the student replied. Oh! Good said the professor, what is yours he asked one of the other students who raised their hand.  Getting a job with seven digit salary, student replied. Professor said ok and asked other students the same question.
Everybody gave him different type of answers. After asking all the students he took a glance and went to the first student who gave him the answer and said “you said having a luxury car and a mansion is success to you let me ask you a question, If someone have two cars and two mansions then can you say he is more successful person than you?” student didn’t replied to the question.
Professor went to the other student and asked him that “you said having seven digit salary is success to you but if someone has eight digit salary can you say you are less successful person than him, No right.” Professor looked at all the students and asked them “Let’s just say a person having a low paid job, a bike and a small house can you say he is not a successful person.”
There was absolute silence in the class for some time. Professor again started “The true meaning of success is LIVING YOUR LIFE IN THE WAY YOU WANT”. It may or may not include cars, mansions or a well-paid job. Imagine there is a man who has a job with decent salary, a small car and a regular house, and that’s all he wants in his life. I say he is a successful person because he has everything he wants in his life. If a person has money, cars, mansion but he is not happy with those things then he is not a successful person because he is not happy with what he has. You cannot measure the success of a person by his status because the very definition of the success is different from person to person.
[Bell rings]                                                                                                                                                              
Ok! then boys we successfully completed our last class of this and I wish you all to be successful in your life good bye.      

                   - by
             Rajesh R. Yanna    

Soul mates

What is true love...?
Is being with the one you love till the end of your life... or is it sacrificing everything for the one you love or it is to be with the one you love even after knowing that the person is no longer the person who they used to be....
One night I got a call from my friend saying that he is going to talk to his brother about his girlfriend before he was going to ask her to marry him.
They both are in love and it’s been a couple of years, finally they decided to take the relationship to another level. I felt so happy for him because he was going to marry the girl he loved more than his life, so I wish him good luck. He went to his brother’s home in the night.
After some time I again got call from him saying that his brother is happy with his decision, and he told me with in an exciting voice the he will be going early in the morning to his girlfriend’s home to talk to her parents.
But where is the fun in life if it exactly happens as we planned.
Next day, early in the morning my friend started to his girlfriend’s home on his motorcycle. Because of the fog it is very hard to see clearly. As he was driving through a corner suddenly a car taking a turn in high speed lost control and hit him so hard.
He fell on the ground, bleeding and severely wounded.
Somebody saw him and took him to the hospital.
 As soon as I heard the news I ran to the hospital, he was lying on the bed, one of his leg joints are completely dissipated and his arm is looking like it is almost separated from his body.
He is barely holding up his conscious, when he saw me he nodded his head to call me near to him.
When I went near to him he whispered in my ear…”tell my girlfriend to I don’t love her, tell her… tell her to find another man, a better man than me”.
“Hey… you are not going to die! Why are saying that.” I replied in a little angry tone.
“I…I know I may not be going to die but I can sense by body, I may not be walk again, I will no longer be the same person she love… so please tell her” he said.
I can see the tears in his eyes. Everyone thinking that it because of the pain of his body but I know it is because of the pain of his heart.
In the evening I called his girlfriend and told her what he said to me.
She hang-up without giving me any kind of reply.
Next day when I went to see my friend I saw his girlfriend searching for his room.
When she saw me she came to me and asked about him. While I was taking her to his room I told her what happened.
When we entered into the room, he was sleeping. She went near to him she gently combing his hair with her figures and said “how can he think that I will leave him, I will not leave him as long as I am alive, it doesn’t matter how he is I will always with him. I love his heart not his body….”
After listening to what she said I felt more happy for my friend because he found because he not only found not just a girlfriend, he found his soul mate.
                                                      Rajesh R. Yanna


Sound of ambulance in front of the hospital as usual and one man is standing in front of the hospital near the door. An ambulance came near to him and stopped, sir are you Mr Ram. Driver asked the man at the door.
Driver said get inside sir.
Man went to back side of the ambulance, opened the door and sit inside.
Ambulance started moving…

In front of him there is a stretcher, on top of it a body covered with a white cloth. He slowly removed the cloth a little on the face of the body.

He take out a small pill bottle and started swallowing one after another. In between He is just staring at her face. And started to talk to her dead body….

I could still remember the day we were met. You came into my life like a magic, you brought everything with you that I never experienced before, the joy, happiness and the things that changed my world… now there is nothing.
I have no one in my life before you and I don’t think there will be anyone after you. You once again made me an orphan.

Now who will wake me up in the morning with kisses on my forehead, who shares my food in same plate, who will come will spend their time with me on candle light nights, who will walk with me in the evening and to see the setting sun...

He slowly slipped his hand inside the cloth and hold her hand.

I promised you once that I never leave your hand, you know I am a man of my word. Don’t you?

I don’t leave your hand even if your dead, I will be always with you no matter what.
He started falling asleep on her body.
When driver hit the brakes bottle in his other hand slipped, driver stopped the ambulance in front of a house and opened the doors he saw the empty bottle rolling towards him. He grabbed the bottle and looked at the label of the bottle and shouts doctor… in panic.

[Some time ago inside the hospital:
A lady searching her handbag and said to her husband ‘dear I think I lost my sleeping pills’.  ‘Ohh… already. We just bought them’ said husband.]
As the two dead bodies were taken into a house soul of the man who took the pills watching them. After sometime he turned back he saw his women standing in front of him.
She said ‘I know you can’t live without me. I am just waiting for you here, you think you are the only one who keeps your promises. I made one too forgot. Now would you like to join me for a walk?’ She offered her hand.
Man smiled and hold her hand. They both started walking and soon disappeared in the darkness.

                                                                                                           - By
                                                                                         RAJESH R. YANNA

View From My Balcony        
Art By: Mehveesh Nida

Waking up in the morning by turning off the alarm…it was a regular day for me.
Even though my office starts at 10 AM after shifting to my new flat I am waking up early in the morning, not because I became health conscious all of a sudden it’s just to see the beautiful face and hypnotic eyes of the girl who lives in the opposite flat and I got the perfect view from my balcony to look at her every morning.
One morning, just like any other day I woke up and went to my balcony to see her face. But she was not there.
I waited for some time thinking that she might not wake up yet. After some time, a door of the window of her flat opened slightly because of the air.
I was trying to look inside through that tiny gap it little far away from me. But suddenly I saw pair of legs hanging in the mid-air I was trying to get a clear view as soon as I confirmed myself that someone is hanged themselves I called the police.
After sometime police came to her flat but I left to my office because I am already getting late. Same day I got a call from the police to come to the station to confirm my details.
I went to the police station that evening and gave them my details as a part of standard procedure. I asked one of the officers who are dealing with the situation what happened in her flat just out of curiosity.
He said even we don’t know exactly what happened, we send her body to the post-mortem and waiting for the report. Meanwhile we are questioning everybody who knows about her. He said it was like nothing because that’s what they do but for me it was like world stop spinning for a moment.
I went to my flat that evening looking at her flat from my balcony and wondering why she committed suicide. I may not know her well but don’t know but somehow just the thought of her making me sad.
A week later I got the call from the same police man saying that the investigation is over and asked me to come to the police station to confirm my statement.
I went to the police station and wrote down my statement and asked the police man what is the cause.
She hanged herself, He said.
But why, I asked him again.
He said that her parent died when she was young, she was living with her relatives from last seven years since then they are treating her like a slave and practically imprisoned her in that house.
But few days ago her uncle sexually abused her and raped her multiple times but she couldn’t handle that anymore and committed suicide.
After hearing what he said I just went straight to flat and started looking at her flat.
I can still see her smiling face and her beautiful eyes just like she is standing in front of me. I thought I didn’t know her well but today I realized that I don’t know her at all.
I didn’t hear the screams behind her smile, I didn’t see the tears behind her beautiful eyes and I never imagined the pain behind her presence. But it’s too late it doesn’t matter what I feel now she won’t be coming back.
May be I can never understand that how such beautiful eyes can hide so much pain and can still smile…

Rajesh R. Yanna


A young man waiting for someone outside of a park and constantly checking time in his watch like he was going to miss something. Suddenly a car stopped near to him and an old man get down from the car. The old man stood near to the young man and he also started to wait for someone.
In the meantime old man was looking the young man and giving grimace. Young man noticed this but he didn’t care because of he is thinking about something else. But the old man doing it over and over. After sometime another car stopped near to them and another old man get down from the car and he walked straightly to the old man standing near to the young man. The old people started to talk between them.
Suddenly young man realized that those two old men taking about him. One of told men talking that “look at his dress it’s looking like  he picked up it in some trash look at his jeans it’s completely torn and he didn’t even have a single button on his shirt and look at his hair and those shoe.” Young man got very angry and wanted to say something to them but he got distracted by a voice.
“Hey… how am I looking” he heard a female voice behind him. The moment he heard the voice he knew who it was. He turned back and sad to that women “you are late”. Women smiled and “yeah I’m sorry ok, just tell me how do I look?”. He just took a step back and took a look at her from head to toe completely. She is wearing a yellow color skirt covering just above her knee and wearing a red singlet as top barely covering her waist and without anything to cover her shoulders or her cleavage, and she let loose her long curly hair which is waving because of the wind. He took a deep breath through his mouth and said “Sshhh…. Hot and sexy…”. “Ow… thankyou” girl replied.
One of the old man near to them got irritated and came near to them lashed out at the young people. “You young look at yourself you look like beggar with all your weird clothes and what is the language you are speaking. And you young lady what are you wearing?. Look at your clothes. What are you thinking while showing off your skin in public, is this the way to dress up. You people have no respect to our culture and you are destroying it day by day, you are the perfect examples of today’s spoiled generation.” Young women face turned into red with anger and when she was started to tell something to that old man, young man stopped her by holding her hand.
Young man said “Ok sir. I agree that we didn’t wear proper clothes, and we have no respect towards the culture. But would you mind ask you a question?”. “What is it?” old man said. “What are you wearing sir?” young man asked. “Can’t you see it’s a Tuxedo” old man replied. “Do you think wearing a Tuxedo makes you a cultured man?” young man asked him. Old man replied with a strong voice “YES”. Young replied in a serious tone “well! Whose culture is that, do you believe this is our Indian culture. If I am not wrong olden days let’s just say your father and grandfather used to wear Dhoties, Achkans and Panches. And now here you are wearing a Tuxedo and completely forgot about those things and lecturing us about the culture. You wear suits we wear this weird clothes, We are simply following your footsteps sir. You are just unable to see it. There is nothing wrong with our dressing, there is something wrong with your brain, if possible get a replacement for that. And you say we are the spoiled generation why don’t you realize that you are the generation that who raised us. Now whose fault is that?”
Old man stunned by the reaction of the young man.
The young man started his bike and man and women left from there……
                                                                                           - Rajesh Yanna


10:45 AM, TODAY.

The entire auditorium is full of sound by the clapping of the people for one man, for the police officer who saved hundreds of lives from a terrorist attack in a mall. And that police officer is ME, today entire nation sees me as a hero also this is what I have ever wanted in my life. Finally my childhood dream to get a medal is become real today, even though everybody is seeing me as a hero I am not happy with myself it feels like I don’t deserve this medal, appreciation and honour. When I was a kid my teacher told me that YOU MAY NOT BE THE HERO OF YOUR LIFE BUT ONEDAY KNOWING OR UNKNOWING YOU WILL BECOME VILLIEN OF SOMEONE ELSES LIFE, but I wanted to became a hero for everybody. That’s the reason I become a police officer but now I know that what my teacher said was true. I wanted to become a hero but not like this.


I am doing my regular scouting like any other day along with my four constables suddenly we got an emergency call from a nearby mall. Some men with guns suddenly started shooting the common people in the mall, luckily we are just five minutes away from that spot. People around the mall are very panicked and everybody is running for their lives. We questioned some men coming out from the mall, as per our quick assessment there are three people armed with heavy guns and everybody carrying heavy bags on their bags most probably filled with explosives. We called for the backup and we went in the mall to rescue the people inside the mall. In the process we noticed that terrorists are taking people as hostages on the third floor so two of my men are evacuating the people from all other floors and remaining us went to the third floor to save other people too before they take control over the place. Me and my constables are scattered to cover the maximum possible are in less time. After some time I heard the sound of gun firing, I ran towards the sound and I saw that one of my men is lying down in the stream of blood and some is takin turn around the corner. I quickly followed him and shot him from behind, he was fell down and I checked him thoroughly I found some class-IV explosives that can enough to bring down the entire mall within seconds. Suddenly I heard gun firing again so I went to the source quickly, there is a body of a terrorist covered in the blood also one of my men got shot in the shoulder. I ordered the other person to take the wounded one to the medic. They both went to the downstairs. Now I am alone and there is only one terrorist to kill.
I was searching for the terrorist suddenly someone fired at me, I took cover and started firing back at him. One of my bullets is went through his shoulder and it made him slip his gun from his hands, he fell backwards. When fell down a remote from his pocket fell down and slide away for some distance he quickly raise and started running towards the remote. I followed him and tried to shoot him again but he saw me coming and he quickly pick his knife from his shoe and grab a little girl from the arms of her parents who are standing in the corridor extreme fear on their faces. He put his knife on the neck of that little girl and asked me to go back while he was slowly reaching towards the remote.
If I let him reach the remote he might blast all the explosives and kill the remaining people in the mall, there is no way I can go near to him and save the girl. The girl is not so height she barely covers his neck I can clearly see his head and I know I can shot him in the head. if I don’t do that he may kill several so I pulled the trigger. Bullet went through head and he started to fell down. While he was falling down the knife which he hold cut the vein in the neck of the girl. Blood was pumping out from the neck of the girl, I ran to her immediately and saw the wound it was too deep and I am unable to stop the bleeding. Her parents came to her and started crying, I lift her with my arms and came down quickly for medical assistance. Luckily there was an ambulance waiting outside of the mall for any medical emergencies, I put her in the ambulance and went back into the mall to check on everything while hoping for the best.

02:00 PM, ONE DAY AGO…

After completing the formalities regarding the other day’s incident I went to the hospital to check up on my men who got injured in the attack. He was doing fine, after spending some time with him I started from the hospital to my home. While I was walking on the hospital corridor suddenly a middle aged woman came to me and suddenly she grabbed my shirt collar and started yelling at me “YOU BASTERED MY DAUGHTER IS DEAD BECAUSEE OF YOU, YOU KILLED MY GIRL” she started crying. Then I realised that she is the mother of the girl who got injured in the attack because of me and now she is dead. I have no words to tell her there is no way to console her. At that moment I realised the mistake I made.

10:46 AM, TODAY…

Today everybody is happy but not me, I can still see how much the mother eyes cried for her daughter, I can still feel the pain in her heart. I may be or may not be saved the life of some people but I definitely killed a girl on that day. People may see me as a hero who saved the day but I see myself as a murderer, the man who killed a small girl because of a stupid decision he made and I am definitely NOT A HERO.


 I loved her at the age I don’t even know word called the LOVE existed. When I was in my 6th standard I saw her for the first time, she made all my previous time before her disappear and suddenly my old school became new and my boring school uniform stated to look like a some kind of angle like dress on her. But one thing that attracted me to her is that her beautiful smile. I know I wanted to talk to her and I wanted to be close to her but I don’t know how to do that and for the first time I hated my principal because of the rule that “NO TALKS BETWEEN THE BOYS AND GIRLS”. If he sees anyone talking to each other he punishes them. To be honest I never cared about his punishments but I don’t want her to punish because of me and I don’t even know how she will react to me when I tried to talk to her. So I am waiting for the right time patiently.
One day I got the opportunity to talk to her, my principal sent a notice to the class that they are organising the anniversary of the school so he want every student to participate in the events. She listed her name for the dance and I did the same thing hoping that by any chance I may be selected as her partner. But the only problem in this is that I didn’t dance not even a single time before. So Obviously I got rejected and she got selected now someone else is her partner. Now I have to wait for another opportunity.
One day I got to know that I am not the only boy in the class room who is interested in her. One of my classmate went to her with a love proposal and she rejected him and complained about him to the principal and the principal gave him the TC. So I thought it’s the bad time to go to her and I started to wait again.
Four years have passed after that incident, now I’m in the 10th standard and I never forget to look at her every day but she never looked at me not even once in the past four years. But my feelings towards her are getting stronger and stronger every day. Also this is the last year to do anything so I was little frightened that I may not be talk to her for the rest of my life if I missed this time. But I never get the chance to talk to her but finally on out farewell party I decided to propose to her. I bought a rose and a greeting to tell my feelings. I went to the party and started to search for her and she is nowhere to be found.
One of my friend told me that she was behind the stage and talking to someone. I went to behind the stage to talk to her. There I saw her in beautiful BLUE half saree and looking like the goddess of love and I was amazes by her looks. I started walking towards her and I saw that she was talking to someone from the class. When I went little closer I realised that he proposed her with the rose and a greeting card just like how I wanted to do. She is giving lecture to him about life, future, and her plans yada yada yada….
But one thing I clearly understand from that conversation that she is clearly not interested in love. I throw my flower and card in the dustbin and I went home from the party. After that I never saw her and not even heard a word about her but I know I still have feelings for her even though I never spoke to her once in school days. That was five years ago but I still have her in my memories as fresh as if all those things happened yesterday.
One day I got an `whatsapp` invitation from my school mates. I joined the group and started chatting with others. One day someone posted a quote about something and it was so beautiful so I asked the group who posted it. One of my friend said that it was her. But by the time I came to know that she exits from that group. But somehow I managed to get her mobile number.
One day I started to chat with her, she asked me who is this and I replied with my details saying that I am your classmate and other things after that she asked me that how did I get her number and I said that I got it from the whataapp group. After that she never gave me any kind of reply but I never stopped her to send messages every morning and evening.
One day she texted me asking that why are you sending me messages daily, I said that I don’t know how to get your attention she called me an idiot and ended the texting. After that I told everything to my best friend from the beginning and he advised me to propose to her before it’s too late. But I still don’t have the courage to do that but somehow my friend made me to propose to her.
I sent a beautiful picture which stating I LOVE YOU to her. Immediately I got a reply asking what is this and I said that that’s how I feel about you, she never gave any reply. One week later I send her a very lengthy message to make her understand how much I love her and how long I have been waiting to talk to her. Same day evening I got a message from her that “CALL ME”.
That was the only message I felt so happy about I still have some confusion in my mind that what is she going to say. I called her and we talked to some time at the end she want to meet me next day.
So I went to her collage and waiting for her to come out. After some time she came out and meet me “this is the first time I am seeing her so close to me” we both went to a coffee shop nearby and she started the conversation saying that I like you but I don’t want all this things to happen now I have so many things to do in my life. I said that that “just talk to you is my ten years’ dream. Today It became a reality, I will wait for you forever hoping that one day you will be mine. Ill will wait for that one day for my entire lifetime.”
She hold my hand and looked in to my eyes with a beautiful on her lips and said that I am also hoping for that one day…and she left from there………..



“VIJAY” walking on the road in the evening on a rainy day thinking about his girlfriend with whom he had an argument just a while ago. He is still trying to figure out the reason for the argument but he genuinely confused only thing he understand in that almost five kilometres of lonely walk that the argument was started with the sentence “I want to eat an ice cream” and ended with “I HATE YOU”. He is still don’t know what happened between them and why is she so angry at him?
As he was walking it is slowly started raining so ran to a tree to take shelter under it. There he saw an old man standing beside him, the old man was laughing himself vijay stand beside him silently but the old man continued to laugh himself. vijay started wondering that “why he is laughing himself, maybe he is mad but he doesn’t seem like one”. Finally vijay decided to ask the old man. But suddenly old man turned to vijay and said to him that “Son Do you heard what she said just now? She is so funny”. Vijay opened his eyes wide with a surprise and looked around he was so sure that no one is standing under that tree besides two of them. Vijay asked the old man “who? There is no one around us?” The old man said “not here you idiot. Do you see a women across the road she is my wife I am talking to her.
Vijay was so sure that he hasn’t heard a single word from the old man since the starting of the time. Vijay thought that old man was making fun of him but when saw the lady other side of the road he was surprised that the old lady also laughing while looking at the old man beside him. Vijay confusion was doubled and he asked the old man that “Sir, I am pretty sure that you haven’t spoken a single word but still your laughing and that women you said your wife is also laughing looking at you can you please tell me what is happening here.”
Old man looked at vijay with a gentle smile on his face and said that “you don’t need the words that make sound to hear the other person”. Vijay felt that the old man was really testing his patience but he controlled his anger and asked him that what is he really talking about?
Old man replied him that “when the hearts of the two people are connected by the love it doesn’t matter the distance between them. They can understand each other just by looking at each other’s eyes they don’t even need to speak single word. But if there is no love between the two hearts, the distance between their hearts is so long that they cannot hear each other even they stand next to each other no matter how loud the other person is talking. It’s the matter of the love not the matter of words or language or the tone of the person.”
Rain stopped and the old man walked to the other side of the road to join his wife. They stared walking together and went on their own way. Vijay was still standing there and thinking about what the old man said.
“maybe one day he will understand what the old man said to him” 

FACE YOUR FEAR (grandfather told a story to his granddaughter)

One day daughter came home late from school. Mother became very angry and yelled at her for being late. she started crying and went to her room, Her grandfather watching the whole scene from the balcony. After some he went to her room and asked her “Don’t cry dear just forget about your mother and tell me why tour late I’ll explain it to your mother”. Girl wiped her eyes and told him that there is one street on the way to home, no one lives in that street and it looks so scary I am so afraid of that street, usually my friend and cross that street daily but she hasn’t come to the school today so I waited for some to walk with me till I cross the street that’s why I am so late today.
While holding her in his arms Grandfather told that “That’s ok I will tell that to your mother don’t cry my angel, do you want to listen to a story?”. Yes grandpa she replied with a smile. Grandfather started to tell the story…
Once upon a time there was a huge forest, there were all kind of animals living in the forest and there is also a small rabbit living in the forest. One day rabbit is going to its home and there is no animal is nearby, suddenly it heard some noise from behind and thought itself that maybe it is a lion or a tiger and started to run as fast as it can and it reached home safely. And second day it came from the same route and same thing happened, and third day also happened the same thing , it continued for some days.
Like any other day rabbit is walking in the same route and it heard the same noise from behind this time it’s got so frustrated and tired of running so rabbit just stood there and it turned to its back and saw what’s behind it’s back, the moment it turned and looked at its back rabbit realised that there is nothing behind it’s back rabbit felt so relieved and happily went to it’ s home, and it never feared after that moment. And That’s the end of the story.
She asked her grandfather that “why the rabbit never feared after that”. Grandfather said the when the rabbit decided to turn back and see what is behind its back it overcome it’s fear. Once you overcome your fear there is nothing to fear about. “DO THAT THING FIRST WHAT YOU FEAR MOST” then you don’t have nothing to fear.

Grandpa and the girl went to have their dinner, after that day she never came late home from the school.


One day a professor was asked to take a lecture to some kids in a school. Professor went to the class, when he entered in the classroom every kid is shouting in the classroom. Room is full of noise
Professor shouted loudly “hello kids”. Suddenly classroom become silent and everybody started staring at the professor. Professor introduced himself and he realised that no one is ready to listen what he was going to say. But anyway he asked a question to the students that “what is most important thing to live in the world?”.
Kids started murmuring and one of them replied money, other kid said car, another one said house, somebody said chocolates and others even said girlfriend. Professor smiled and said “well I thought oxygen is the most important thing in the world to live, what do you guys say?”. Everybody laughed in the classroom.
Professor continued and said “But NO most important thing in the world to live is DESIRE.”  One kid asked him that “but you just said oxygen is the important thing?”. Professor said “If you don’t have the desire to live you don’t even want to breath to live, if you don’t have the desire to earn you don’t the money, if you don’t have the desire about a family you don’t want the house, if you don’t have the desire you don’t even want to eat so everybody must have a desire to live for. That’s what makes you do anything in the world to get. So everybody find one what makes you to live for ok”.

One kid replied yes Mr. Professor I have one girlfriend. Everybody laughed including the professor.


Long time ago a man became so irritated about his life and want to became a monk.
He wants to leave his life behind and start a new life as a monk, but he doesn’t know how to begin with. In the process of becoming a monk he heard from someone that you need to have a ‘guru’ to teach all the things about being a monk, so he started to search for a guru.
In that process he met so many people but he felt that he didn’t find the right one so he kept on searching for the right one.
One day he heard in streets that there was a monk in the village nearby and he is solving all the problems of the people so the man felt that he might be the right person, he went to the monk to seek the solution for the questions have. But by the time he went to the monk he was doing the meditation, he waited for so long until he came out from the meditation.  As soon as the monk came out from the meditation the man asked the monk guruji I want to became a monk like you so please tell me how do I became a monk, please teach me all the things.
Guruji looked at him asked him what you want to do in your life exactly….?
The man replied that “I am so irritated with my life, I don’t want to live life like that anymore, I want to help others with the rest of my life, I want to make people realise that how beautiful life is, and I want to be a selfless person”.
Guruji laughed at him and said that you will never became a monk like that. The person wondered and asked him why.
Guruji looked around and asked him to bring an empty pot nearby him. The person took it to the guruji and put it in front of the guruji. Guruji said that “imagine yourself as this pot. Now it is empty, imagine this water as your desires, now I am pouring the water in to the pot in other words I am filling you with the desires, now the pot is full that means you are full of desires now I am pouring more water but the water is spilling out from the pot because you are fulfilled your desires and you don’t want anymore. Guruji turned to him and said that until you have any kind of wish or desire you cannot become a monk”.
“Then what do I have to do then?” the man asked the monk.
Guruji replied him that “BE A SELFISH MAN and do all the things you want to do in your life and fulfil your desires then come back to me”.
The person left from there and did exactly as guriji said. After some years the person met with guruji. Guruji asked the man that “what do you want to do in your life”.

Man said that “I don’t know, I have nothing left to do, no where else to go, no one to care about”. Guruji smiled and replied him that” YOU ALREADY BECAME A MONK. YOU DON’T NEED ANYONE'S HELP NOW’. And monk left from there.


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